Helping Your Child with Separation Anxiety

Most children go through some amount of separation anxiety, but how can you help your child through those fears? Here are some ways you can help your child with separation anxiety cope and work through it! 1. Know what to look for Your child’s separation anxiety will take slightly different forms at different stages from […]

Protecting Your Child's Mental Health

Mental health is all over the media. We hear about anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other mental health problems, but we rarely talk about what can be done before a diagnosis to help people be as mentally and emotionally healthy as possible. Here are three ways to protect your child’s mental health! 1. Teach […]

Parenting tips on how to teach your kids to overcome fears

Whether kids are afraid of real things or imaginary monsters, fear in children is normal and part of growing up. Some kids are more afraid of things than others, but it generally becomes a problem only if kids become focused on worst case scenarios over and over again. These are few basic parenting tips on how to help […]

How to recognize and treat child’s anxiety disorder

What is child’s anxiety disorder? Child’s anxiety is usually a normal phase all children go through. It is caused by exposure to some traumatic event or combination of increased vulnerability and some kind of stressor. In its acute phase, anxiety is a normal human response to real danger, a survival mechanism which prepares our bodies […]

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