With Christmas comes a whole lot of busyness, extended family, and events galore for everyone to attend. In the midst of it all, it can be hard to remember the risks of the season and how to keep your child safe. Here are three ways you can make sure your child has a fun and safe time over the holidays!
1. Keep them safe from sickness
Wash your hands, and remind them to wash theirs too! With the stress and excitement of the holidays, it can be easy for children and adults alike to start to lose sleep, forget to wash their hands, and eventually fall victim to illnesses.
2. Keep them safe from risky people
If you notice something a little off about a particular person, or feel unsafe with your child being around them, listen to your gut! Sadly, 50-60% of sexual offenders of children are family members. While there is no way to definitively tell if there is a risk, if you have any suspicions, it is always better to be safe than sorry.