Bad Body Images: Abuse or Trauma

abuse trauma

For a child to develop in a healthy way, they must have the support of people who not only protect them from harm but treat them with kindness and care. Children who are treated poorly often internalize the mistreatment they experience and as a result, the negativity they carry weighs heavily on the way they […]

Signs My Kid’s Friends are Being Abused

Signs of abuse

As a parent, you want nothing more than to ensure your children are cared for and safe. Unfortunately, not all children have their basic needs met. Some kids may be experiencing abuse from a caregiver, and others may not have a responsible adult watching over them.  It can be alarming, frightening, and heartbreaking to see […]

Preventing Teen Dating Violence

teen dating violence

While we often work hard to protect our children from predators, we may forget that fear of violence does not stop when they turn 18. It also rarely comes from the places we expect. In the United States alone, nearly 20 people per minute become victims of some form of domestic violence, also known as […]

Talking To Your Teen About Substance Abuse

mom and teen talking about substance abuse

Talking to your teen about substance abuse is hard to approach. What have they already heard from teachers and peers? How can you make them comfortable enough to come to you if any problems come up? Is it better to do it all at once, or talk to them a little at a time? However […]

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