More of an Affect Than You Know

Are you a parent struggling with a drug addiction? You are well aware of the effects of drug and alcohol abuse and addiction in your own life. From its effects in your work life to your social life, there is very little left untouched. But have you considered the effects it may have on your children? […]

I want to run away from home – help me avoid being homeless

Growing up is not easy. If you feel overwhelmed with family problems or are desperate and think the only remaining solution is to run away from home, you should know you are not alone. Many kids, at some point, think about leaving their homes out of despair. But thinking about it and actually doing it are […]

Parents’ guide – what to do and how to deal with runaway kids

My child is threatening to run away from home, what do I do? Is my child serious, or is he/she just testing my reactions? How do I deal with runaway kids?  Each year, more than 1.5 million kids run away from home. Those runaway kids are at serious risk; dangers of a homeless life (such as […]

Physical child abuse – the importance of breaking the silence

The definition of physical child abuse is any non-accidental physical injury (bumps, cuts, bruises, burns, bites, etc.) or trauma that harms a child. Out of all types of child abuse, physical maltreatment is the easiest to recognize. In most cases, abusive parents do it out of a burst of anger, and are unaware of the magnitude […]

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