Remembering the Reason for the Season

reason for the season

There is no better time than Christmas to teach your child about the birth of Jesus, but it can be hard to teach the reason for the season when everything is so busy. No matter how old or young your child is, there are ways to infuse reminders of the miracle we are celebrating into […]

Praying for Your Children

As parents, praying is one of the most important ways to support children as they grow and learn. It also allows you to see God’s hand at work in their lives. Here are some different ways you can pray for your kids. Pray for Their Faith Your child’s faith is probably the most important thing […]

Teaching Your Child That Stealing Is Wrong

child learning that stealing is wrong

One of the first pieces of the Bible many children learn is the Ten Commandments. They are some of the most important rules Christians can learn and follow! While some of them may be easy to teach your children organically, like reading the Bible, because it’s already a part of your daily routine, some are […]

Teaching Your Child About Managing Money

child managing money

Chances are, you have dedicated a lot of time to managing money. Whether you’ve taken courses like Financial Peace University or learned to budget through your bank’s app, there are many tools to help you become financially literate. These are great, but are you also finding ways to teach your child about managing money? Here […]

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