Helping Your Child Connect While Staying Home

Socialization is important for people of all ages, but especially so for children. Connecting with other people is fun, but it is valuable for much more than that! Being around other people helps children learn emotional regulation and language skills, as well as common social norms like waiting in line. Right now, many normal activities […]
Protecting Your Family From Germs

Now more than ever, it’s important to know how to protect your family from germs! While you likely already talk about the importance of washing their hands and covering their mouth when they sneeze or couch, there are lots of other things you can do to help protect your family from germs. Here are a […]
Getting One-On-One Time With Your Child At Home

One of the best ways parents can pour into their relationship with their child is by prioritizing one-on-one time. For many families, this involves parents taking turns taking their child out for fun things like ice cream, movies, or trips to the library. How can you make sure your child still gets one-on-one time with […]
Activities For When Your Child Needs A Mood Boost

Between the stress of living through a pandemic and missing out on normal activities, most of us could probably use a mood boost these days! While there’s no way to make everything better, there are some activities you can do while social distancing that will help boost your child’s mood. If naps and your usual […]