Praying for Your Children

As parents, praying is one of the most important ways to support children as they grow and learn. It also allows you to see God’s hand at work in their lives. Here are some different ways you can pray for your kids. Pray for Their Faith Your child’s faith is probably the most important thing […]
Developing Faith-Based Habits

Healthy habits don’t just include eating right and exercising. For Christians, it also means maintaining a healthy spiritual life. Parents can encourage their kids of any age to develop these three important faith-based habits. Prayer Although prayer is simple, making it a habit can be challenging. Children can start learning about prayer from the moment […]
Taking Your Kids to Church

Kids can be noisy, squirmy, and difficult to sit with during a church service. But, working through the discomfort and bringing them to church is doable and beneficial! With these tips, you can enjoy the valuable experience of attending Sunday service as a family. The benefits of taking your kids to church Working through the […]
Teaching Your Child To Take Care Of The Earth

As Christians, it is important that we take care of the Earth, not only because it is our home, but because God commands us to. One of the first commands God gives Adam in the Bible is to take care of the garden of Eden. The world may be more complicated now than it was […]