Online Tools To Teach Your Child Internet Safety
Many parents can tell you the risks of internet use, and we have all heard of cyberbullying and privacy breaches. Although some parents want to protect their children from the world forever, that is not realistic. We must prepare them for what awaits as they get older, and in 2019 that includes teaching them about […]
Helping Your Child After Trauma
No matter how hard we try to protect each child, there is always the likelihood that at some point they will experience trauma. Perhaps a trusted adult hurt them, they lost a loved one unexpectedly, or they experienced a natural disaster. If you have children that you foster or have adopted, they may have undergone […]
Finding Free Fun Activities For Your Child
In this world, it can be easy to feel like everything has a cost. Just to survive we have to pay for food, water, and shelter, and more. In addition, many children have gotten used to wanting whatever their friends have. It may feel like they are constantly asking for new clothes, shoes, gadgets, and […]
How To Parent Your Child From A United Front
As parents, you and your partner have an (often underrated) ability to set the tone for your home and your family. When you prioritize being active, your children learn that being active and healthy is important. When you live out your faith in day-to-day life, they learn that their faith is more than a Sunday […]