Helping Your Teen Develop A Strong Work Ethic

teen barista with good work ethic

Children often learn early in life that work is important, at school and at home, but as they get older it gets more complicated. It also becomes more important to instill good habits in them, not just with the rules you enforce but with the concepts you teach and the behaviors you model. Here are […]

What to Do if Your Child Has Test Anxiety

test anxiety

Children from kindergarteners to high schoolers can suffer from test anxiety. It can impair their ability to do well in their classes and affect their confidence at school. If your child is struggling with this, here’s how you can help. 1. Talk with them First, the best thing you can do is talk with your […]

Involving Your Little Ones in the Housework

No matter their age, toddlers to teens can learn valuable lessons by helping around the house. Here are some tips to involve your little ones in the housework. 1. Make a Chores Chart A chores chart will help your child keep track of their progress, and stay on task. It will also help them get […]

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