Involving Your Little Ones in the Housework
No matter their age, toddlers to teens can learn valuable lessons by helping around the house. Here are some tips to involve your little ones in the housework. 1. Make a Chores Chart A chores chart will help your child keep track of their progress, and stay on task. It will also help them get […]
Helping Your Child with Spring Fever
The weather is getting warmer, sports are starting up, and kids are starting to get spring fever! When the weather is finally mild again after the winter, almost everyone is itching to get back outside and play, sometimes at the cost of important school work. Here are some ways to quickly ease your child’s spring […]
Protecting Your Child's Mental Health
Mental health is all over the media. We hear about anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other mental health problems, but we rarely talk about what can be done before a diagnosis to help people be as mentally and emotionally healthy as possible. Here are three ways to protect your child’s mental health! 1. Teach […]
Fun, Healthy Habits for the Whole Family This Summer
Summer is full of fun opportunities to enjoy time with friends and family! Cookouts, ice cream shops, and lazy days are some of the favorite pieces of summer vacation, but sometimes they do not end up being the healthiest. How can you and your children enjoy all that summertime has to offer without sacrificing your […]