5 Easy Activities to Teach Your Kids About Earth Day

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, environmentally conscious individuals around the globe have worked together to protect the environment. Whether by making small changes to organizing large-scale campaigns that shed light on important causes, every effort helps. Taking part in Earth Day efforts does not have to be complicated, though. Anyone can participate in […]
Teaching Your Child To Take Care Of The Earth

As Christians, it is important that we take care of the Earth, not only because it is our home, but because God commands us to. One of the first commands God gives Adam in the Bible is to take care of the garden of Eden. The world may be more complicated now than it was […]
Fostering the Father-Daughter Relationship

For most men, when they are told they are going to be a dad, they are nervous and uneasy. When those same men are told they will be the father to a little girl, the anxiety increases even more. We all know the father daughter relationship is influential and important, but just how are we […]
Cheap and Free Summer Activities

Summertime can either be a couple of months in which you connect with your kids and make memories or it can be wasted time spent in front of screens and sleeping in. There are so many options to have fun this summer without draining your bank account! Check out these cheap and free summer activities: […]