Learning the Struggles of Martin Luther King Jr.

civil rights

It’s important to educate children about civil rights movements and social justice.  Many times, kids learn a bit about what MLK did for civil rights and why he is important, but they are rarely taught about the struggles he endured.  Here is some helpful information about the struggle of MLK.  Arrests  To fight against racial […]

Remembering the Reason for the Season

reason for the season

There is no better time than Christmas to teach your child about the birth of Jesus, but it can be hard to teach the reason for the season when everything is so busy. No matter how old or young your child is, there are ways to infuse reminders of the miracle we are celebrating into […]

Protecting Your Child Over the Holidays

With Christmas comes a whole lot of busyness, extended family, and events galore for everyone to attend. In the midst of it all, it can be hard to remember the risks of the season and how to keep your child safe. Here are three ways you can make sure your child has a fun and […]

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