Social Media and Your Teen's Body Image
Social media has changed so much in the last decade. People are reconnecting with high school friends on Facebook, keeping up with the daily activities of friends on Twitter, and sharing the story of their lives through images on Instagram. Social media has given us a lot of beauty, but it has also opened new […]
Teaching Your Child About Internet Privacy
The internet is a beautiful thing that allows people to share their lives, but sometimes we find they are shared with the wrong people. How can we allow our children to connect with friends online, but not share too much too soon? Here are three easy ways to teach your children about internet privacy. 1. […]
What is Internet safety and how to protect kids online?
New innovations in technology and the Internet are a great opportunity for children to expand their knowledge. It’s easy and practical to use, children can do research, write reports and learn new things. Any child who can type words on a keyboard can explore any personal interest they have and have a world of education […]