Protecting Your Child's Mental Health

Mental health is all over the media. We hear about anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other mental health problems, but we rarely talk about what can be done before a diagnosis to help people be as mentally and emotionally healthy as possible. Here are three ways to protect your child’s mental health! 1. Teach […]

How To Help Your Child With Internet Addiction

Addiction is one of the hardest struggles of many young adult lives, and it has become sneakier than ever before. Now, addiction does not always look like drug dealers or underage drinking, it can look like something as harmless as being on the internet more often than is healthy. Here we will go over simple […]

What To Do When Your Child Gets Bad Grades

It happens to everyone – a child just cannot understand the material, they underestimate how much studying they need to do, or they just have a bad day at a bad time. When your child brings home bad grades, they are in a very vulnerable place that you can use to shape them into better […]

Helping Your Older Child Adapt to a New Baby

Adding a new baby to the family can be an exciting time! With all the preparation, from washing tiny baby clothes to readying the nursery, there is one very important part of preparation that is often overlooked: preparing your older child or children for a new baby in the family. Intentionally taking this step together […]

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