Tips to a Healthy Family: Communication

You have heard it said that communication is the key to any relationship. When you were dating your spouse, you probably talked for hours on end learning more about one another. Girls nights are often spent chatting about the latest happenings in one another’s lives. The foundation to any relationship, whether between friends or family, […]

Do Positive Parenting Methods Work?

Positive parenting (also called Positive Guidance or Positive Discipline) is a parenting method and a belief that kids should be raised through positive and loving encouragement,resisting all temptations to be punitive or to punish kids with fear, shame, any form of violence etc. Does Positive Parenting work? Yes. Studies suggest that strict child rearing practices, […]

Teaching kids to have a positive attitude and positive thinking

Teaching kids about positive thinking is probably one of the best ways to prepare them for life challenges they will have to deal with throughout life. If you teach your children how to be positive early in life, you will create a healthy habit of positive attitude, successful problem solving and build powerful coping skills.  All these […]

Family Bonding – 5 easy ways to connect with your family

Life has its infinite ways of distracting and separating us from our families. Good parenting is not an easy task when an average child spends most of the day with teachers, friends or playing computer games. It is said that for each negative interaction any successful relationship has to have five positive ones. How can you […]

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