Teaching Your Child To Self-Regulate Internet Use

teen learning to self-regulate internet use

When our children are young, we work hard to set up structure and rules to keep them safe. We set limits on their screen time, install only child-friendly apps on devices they access, and monitor their internet usage closely. As they get older, however, it is important they learn how to do some of those […]

What To Do If Your Child Skips School

teen looking skeptical (after child skips school)

No matter how much we enjoy quirky movies about the misadventures of skipping school, it is far less funny when it’s your own child. How can you respond if your child skips school? What are some ways to respond that will be productive and informative for your child, instead of causing more issues? Here are […]

Talking To Your Teen About Addiction

teen with addiction in black and white

With the start of the teen years comes a lot of hard conversations. As parents, we want to prepare our children to deal with the outside world, but we don’t want to scare them or overwhelm them. We desperately want to shield our teens from bad influences, but unfortunately, we can’t protect them forever. We […]

Talking To Your Teen About Grades

teen holding backpack worried about grades

When children are little, it is easy to help them do better in school. You can hold their hand while they do homework, help them complete assignments, and are in almost constant communication with the teacher anyway. As they get older, though, parents have to become more hands-off and let their children do school with […]

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