Talking To Your Teen About Substance Abuse

Talking to your teen about substance abuse is hard to approach. What have they already heard from teachers and peers? How can you make them comfortable enough to come to you if any problems come up? Is it better to do it all at once, or talk to them a little at a time? However […]
Helping Your Son’s Body Image

It is not particularly hard to find information on helping daughters with body image, but what about sons? It is easy to fall for the stereotype that eating disorders are a women’s issue, but one-third of people with eating disorders are male! In addition, men make up about half of the people who have disordered […]
Social Media and Your Teen's Body Image

Social media has changed so much in the last decade. People are reconnecting with high school friends on Facebook, keeping up with the daily activities of friends on Twitter, and sharing the story of their lives through images on Instagram. Social media has given us a lot of beauty, but it has also opened new […]
Teaching Your Child About Internet Privacy

The internet is a beautiful thing that allows people to share their lives, but sometimes we find they are shared with the wrong people. How can we allow our children to connect with friends online, but not share too much too soon? Here are three easy ways to teach your children about internet privacy. 1. […]