Helping Your Teen Sleep Better
It’s no secret: teens tend to have trouble getting enough sleep. In fact, on average, over half of middle and high school students are not getting enough! Sleep is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle but can be easy for parents and teens alike to overlook. If your teen is struggling to get […]
Helping Your Teen Read More This Summer
Many teens look forward to summer as a break from school, books, and anything that reminds them of either. As a parent, however, you know that reading is important for your child to continue developing healthily and stay ahead in school. Here are a few ways you can help your teen read more this summer! […]
Talking To Your Teen About Substance Abuse
Talking to your teen about substance abuse is hard to approach. What have they already heard from teachers and peers? How can you make them comfortable enough to come to you if any problems come up? Is it better to do it all at once, or talk to them a little at a time? However […]